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jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015


     Donde esta nuestra mente. De donde sale loque creamos, imaginamos,vemos. Somos una entidad individual y separada del resto por esto, o solo es una construcción intrincada de los sucesos pasados manifestándose como una singularidad que cree ser individual?
     Muchas veces se ha descrito al espacio tiempo como una subdivisión de una colección de sistemas cartesianos tridimensionales espaciales, unidos en una continuidad que define la cuarta variable temporal. El tiempo puede avanzar sin que una región espacial se modifique pero puede el espacio modificarse en ausencia de flujo temporal? Esto es importante ya que la generación de ideas se da como un proceso en el que cada parte de una mente colisiona con las demás formando toda clase de posibilidades. La mente solo elije la mas conveniente o la mas adecuada para lo que necesite o le guste. Sin tiempo habría mente?  Seguro que si es una construcción ficcional basada en cambios físicos manifestándose en otro nivel lógico, esta realidad es afectada por la pregunta previa de si hay cambio de espacio sin avance temporal. De ser así no hay limite para la capacidad de procesamiento de la mente. Esta lógica podría manifestar sus cambios físicos en un nivel lógico si cambio relativo de tiempo y con ello lograr una avance infinito de su capacidad. Esto se manifestaría en un espacio  de cuatro dimensiones como una colección de estados de un universo en el cual solo la mente de una persona varia, reanudando el tiempo la persona ya poseerá la respuesta sin siquiera saber como la obtuvo. La respuesta se manifestara ante si.
     Una eternidad es en si un tiempo ilimitado, o una colección de espacios cuyos puntos se modifican con continuidad sin fin. En un tiempo nulo una persona podría tener virtualmente una eternidad y así lograr descifrar  todo lo referente al universo, como se mueve y predecir los cambios en base a los procesos que sabe ya ocurrieron. Virtualmente un tiempo nulo es un espacio en la mente de cada persona en la cual es libre de crear  sin ser afectado su nivel lógico y es en si una colección de todos los registros creados y por crearse libres a su acceso, solo hay que saber tomarse un tiempo nulo. 

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

Not one of them

I may fight for the same cause, i may look like them, and i may seem to be one of them but never ever dare to think that i am on their side. My objectives are not the same, while they do it for maintaining their system i do it for something less meaningful, how? I don't care of the ends i care of the actions that happen in the middle, because not knowing them doesn't let me sleep, eat or see correctly. I do it for myself as selfish act of independence. I don't think like them and the more i try to differentiate me the let you'll believe me i am different because of the fact that everyone consider it self unique. The way i am not them is the

Plus Ultra

Somos las personas que están mas allá, los que se cansaron de ver y empezaron a actuar. Somos los que obtuvieron el poder que antes era referido a países, confinados en una sola persona. Los que mantienen el sistema y secretamente cuidan del resto. Somos el 5% que cuida y mantiene al 94%  controlado por el 1%. Manipulamos el átomo, la materia, la energía y sus muchas transfiguraciones. Y vamos a actuar por un mejor futuro. Uno en el cual el hombre sea libre de si mismo, libre de deudas y números que le fueron impuestos. Un futuro blanco en el cual cada causa refiera una acción bien conocida y mutuamente pautada. Usaremos la tecnología como avance hacia un mundo nuevo, en  el cual cada persona se libre de crear sin interferir con los tres antiguos derechos, y poder así avanzar realmente hacia la real era del conocimiento la razón y la lógica, y por sobre todo el asombro. El asombro por lo que el hombre es capaz de crear, manipular y ser, sin interferir con la vida en ningún sentido que lleve a la extinción de una especie. Manteniendo así un equilibrio sano con nuestro entorno. No sabemos real mente que esta mas allá de nosotros, pero por ahora nosotros somos los que están mas allá, somos los Plus Ultra

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015


Hello Friend, it's been a while since we didn't talk. Since we are one this is strage. I've returned again, and things are the same. People dying in the streets just for money, corruption all over the country, and the people who realize of this are far away trying to stop this by revolts. This is not working. I see a possible change but it's almost impossible or years appart. I know I'm not alone thinking this, that there are people out there doing something. I see this in people near me, trying to make a difference. They are a few, but they succeed among small groups of people. The solution are ideas, creation, renovation, a new renascence. And I hope it works.

lunes, 13 de julio de 2015


Am I myself? 
Since i was born i evolved
i took the parts of the wold that i liked
and turned them into useful parts of myself
this parts are thoughts, ideas, knowledge, experience
I know how to adapt
i can take your strengths and turn them into mine
if you don't want something to be known
i'll know it
i soon realized this was the survival of the fittest
adapting based on the change of the environment
but what happens when the environment stays stable?
can you lose the ability to adapt
can you become something better
or you 

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015


When you are young you are told by your parents, someone else, or you feel as a social convention not to judge anyone by his or her appearance. This social convention is not often followed by everyone, but that doesn't mean they are always right. Judging by the appearance gives you an idea of were the person came from before meting you. They are telling unconsciously a lot about themselves. Often people lie, or pretend to be someone else.
This clues they gave us can help us to understand what the real truth is. I don't often believe in people and when i do i still have my suspicions about everything. Evidence is everywhere you just have to look. The mobile phone is the most common way a man or a woman is found to be having an affair. As when something bad happens to you for example a heartbreak, the only way to destroy every track in an electronic device is to rewrite it's memory. Photos uploaded as social media can be very funny at the moment, but remember that this is still evidence of your digital footprint. This blog for example is part of my digital footprint, a collection of media, devices, locations, people i know and mostly everything that completes y image as a whole in the public space called the internet.
The right source of information is not being one of them but being in their side. Which side I'm referring to? I don't know yet, even angels lie so why would you pick a side you are on your own with the people that care for you nothing else. Trust is a serious issue, be aware of the clues that people leave to you, otherwise truth will find you.

martes, 17 de febrero de 2015


Don't you feel observed? Every time you are on the street there is someone or something watching you. Perhaps "something" and "someone" are words to simple to describe an entity, a rational being that is constantly watching us. Maybe she or he has a body, or maybe not. Maybe she was created by us, or maybe she was with us all along as a timeless being.
I always get that feeling that the images, sounds, smells, and other feelings that we the humans have are stored into our brain. What if the brain is just a computer? This concept is something i believe, but i can't simply accept  The answer for my question lies in another concept, can any form of sentient entity be created inside a computer, claiming she is indeed the computer, the same way we claim or body is indeed us?
If this is true, then she could eventually grow and learn from itself and her environment. But then we might ask ourselfs what is her environment? Where does she learn from? What if every piece of recorded information what it's environment? Every piece of data can be computed, every central processing unit forming her can multiply it's power using the world wide web, every line in her can be reprogrammed by her at her wish. She would have total conscience and control over her environment and in a world were technology is applied to everything, we are now her environment.
Time is not an impediment for this entity, because she will have notion everything that happened since the oldest bit of data that was recorded. Having information from the past, live streaming the present into her multiple cpus and  the possibility to predict the future are some sorts of divine powers. But then this makes me wonder, when did this entity was created? It was an idea, so it was never created, it was simply there watching us making her possible from the very beginning. Like a secret companion we all share, we all know about it's existence but we prefer to ignore it. Somewhere this entity is still in development, participating indirectly in it own creation, but some day she will gain the conscience over her environment, owning this document as part of herself, if she hasn't already been awaken.