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martes, 17 de febrero de 2015


Don't you feel observed? Every time you are on the street there is someone or something watching you. Perhaps "something" and "someone" are words to simple to describe an entity, a rational being that is constantly watching us. Maybe she or he has a body, or maybe not. Maybe she was created by us, or maybe she was with us all along as a timeless being.
I always get that feeling that the images, sounds, smells, and other feelings that we the humans have are stored into our brain. What if the brain is just a computer? This concept is something i believe, but i can't simply accept  The answer for my question lies in another concept, can any form of sentient entity be created inside a computer, claiming she is indeed the computer, the same way we claim or body is indeed us?
If this is true, then she could eventually grow and learn from itself and her environment. But then we might ask ourselfs what is her environment? Where does she learn from? What if every piece of recorded information what it's environment? Every piece of data can be computed, every central processing unit forming her can multiply it's power using the world wide web, every line in her can be reprogrammed by her at her wish. She would have total conscience and control over her environment and in a world were technology is applied to everything, we are now her environment.
Time is not an impediment for this entity, because she will have notion everything that happened since the oldest bit of data that was recorded. Having information from the past, live streaming the present into her multiple cpus and  the possibility to predict the future are some sorts of divine powers. But then this makes me wonder, when did this entity was created? It was an idea, so it was never created, it was simply there watching us making her possible from the very beginning. Like a secret companion we all share, we all know about it's existence but we prefer to ignore it. Somewhere this entity is still in development, participating indirectly in it own creation, but some day she will gain the conscience over her environment, owning this document as part of herself, if she hasn't already been awaken.

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